Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Good Riddance
The resignation of Rachel Paulose as US Attorney for Minnesota brings to a close one of the more transparently embarrassing appointments by an administration that distinguishes itself for putting under-qualified (at best) political hacks in important positions. Her resume was part of the DOJ document dump (see page 11) in response to the politicized firings of several US attorneys by disgraced former AG Alberto Gonzales, and below are several highlights. The resume reads like a pathetic application for admission to the inner circle of Bush republicanism:
"work included successful representation of Republican party in election lawsuit; defense of faith-based health care program"Who puts Sunday school teacher on their resume?? Unless of course you're a relatively inexperienced 33 y.o. lawyer hoping for a job as a US Attorney in the Bush administration. And what exactly is a "faith-based health care program"? That's just plain bizarre, although when you think about it, faith and hope are about the only health care programs available to a large proportion of Americans. And think of the money we could save if we had a faith based military instead of that expensive, fully equipped one languishing in Iraq. This could be a cool new trend! Faith-based stop lights! Faith-based immunizations! Faith-based air traffic control! The sky truly is the limit.
"work included defense against class action suit demanding slavery reparations"
"Yale Law Christian Fellowship" Board of Directors"
"Westville Bible Chapel: Sunday School teacher"
"Federalist Society: 2001-present"